martes, 19 de agosto de 2014




1 ¿Where was my brother?
   he was playing in the park 

2 ¿ Where was uncle living ?
   uncle was living estrada 

3 ¿What were thwy cooking last night ?
   they were cooking fish last ninght 

4 ¿ What was your sister studing  ?
     she was studing model 

5 ¿ What was my brother reading ?
     he was reading a story 


1¿Was my father working?
   yes, your father was working 

2¿Was my brother studing ?
    yes , your brother was  studing 

3¿Was you mother singing?
   no, my mother wasn't singing 

4¿Was my brother reading a book ?
  yes , he was reading a book

5¿Was my sister playing ?
  yes, my sister was playing 


1¿Was my sister eating fish or meat?
   she was eating fish 

2¿Was  Melisa reading the newspoper or a book 
   she was reading the newspoper 

3¿Was Mr. Jones eating meat or fish ?
   Mr. Jones was eating meat

4¿Was my father running or eating?
    your father was running 

5¿Was mother eating or playing?
  you mother was playing 

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